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RBC Deposit Slips

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Company Details to Appear on Your Deposit Slip

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Bank Details To Appear On Your Deposit Slip


Simplify your day-to-day accounting and bookkeeping by making deposits with pre-printed smaller bank deposit slip books made for use at any RBC bank. They make for fast deposits and easy record keeping.

The RBC deposit slip is pre-printed with all pertinent account information to ensure trouble-free, accurate processing.

The slips are formatted for RBC banks, so their smaller size meets the bank’s standards. And the easy-to-use wrap-around cover separates the individual slips to make it easy to find the next one.

Only available in 3 parts that contains 25 deposit slips per book.

Each slip is printed in triplicate, so you keep a copy with all details—including the denomination of cash. It can accommodate a mix of cheques and cash, and provides a space for the exchange rate on U.S. currency.

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